Check the current environment properties:
# svccfg -s system/identity:node listprop config
config application
config/enable_mapping boolean true
config/nodename astring hostname
config/loopback astring hostname
Set the new hostname:
# svccfg -s system/identity:node setprop config/nodename="newhostname"
# svccfg -s system/identity:node setprop config/loopback="newhostname"
Refresh the properties:
# svccfg -s system/identity:node refresh
Restart the service:
# svcadm restart system/identity:node
Verify that the changes took place:
# svccfg -s system/identity:node listprop config
config application
config/enable_mapping boolean true
config/nodename astring newhostname
config/loopback astring newhostname